These are the times. Times when money is valued than people’s lives. Times when by all means one should get rich. Times when a single mistake can render me dead anytime. Times when true love is all over people’s lips but never in their hearts. Times when death is like taking a sip of water. Times when people no longer care the consequences of their take, I mean it is so easy to say” come what may come I would be ready for it. Times when institutions of higher learning have become institutions of higher loving. Times when couples are all over learning institution but the same couples are single at home! Which mistake outweighs the kind of beings that we were when Christ died for us? Why is it that we have forgotten the ransom that was paid for us? Why are we so forgetful? Oh, mankind!!!
There is love that is based on benefits, I hear they call it” friendship for benefits “.There is love that is seasonal, it must exist for the sake of a task being done then fades slowly after completion of the task. There is conditional love that is based on some conditions and situations. I mean it only exists when need be is or arises. There is love that Is based on circumstances. I mean, simply because I don’t have what I want I can develop some love so as to be in a position to have it.
However, there is a supernatural Love that surpasses all. A love that was shown by a son, that walked like a sheep led to the slaughter so that you and I can be saved. He bore a curse that we deserved at the point of sin so that we may receive grace. It is at Calvary where He courageously walked to let it all be finished. It’s where life began, and the reason why you must have Him as the Savior so you may have life. Otherwise, you would be walking dead!
So many stories have been aired from the” institutions of higher loving “Immature deaths of beautiful ladies and handsome men. The unplanned trimming of tomorrow. The most frustrating incidences the world has had! “He cheated on me and deserved nothing better than death. She played tricks on me until I came to realize the truth and I couldn’t hold it any more than act. Her fortieth day had come so she had to face death in reality. “
Who gave you the responsibility to judge? If lying is what qualifies their death, don’t you think that you’re no less of them. How many times have you lied but you’re still alive? Is it not the grace of God that has kept you this far? What evidence do you have even to think that the information that you have is a true report of reality?
It’s wanting to realize that the victims of the story at hand are just students. Students married by the virtue of the so-called love, whilst in the real sense, they only swore themselves into the cage. We have grown so impatient with ourselves. We have become so easily conformable to the standards of this world. Where is our faith?
Even if the teachings of the scriptures no longer make any sense to us, why then would the walking dead teach us and serve as a warning to the rest? I mean bloodshed concerning the so-called love is still fresh in our minds, not forgetting to mention the latest Moi university student case of murder. Why wouldn’t these stories bring us back to our senses and resolve not to take back Christ to the cross? Will you keep on walking dead instead of acquiring life from the cross? What about the walking stories of the painful loss of dear ones, do they make any sense to you?
Change begins with you. They say if you have never met the devil then you’re the devil. If the loss of dear ones in the name of love doesn’t move you any mile then take care of falling into the same trap. It is possible to live a chaste life. It is possible to wait until the right time. It is possible to live a happy life, love genuinely and achieve your goals. Stop Walking Dead or you wanna learn from the walking stories of the dead
Love and life


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