Taking your ground at the face of storm
We have all come from a point of giving up to standing on our feet again. At such a point, all you want is hope, hope that things will be better or will get better with time. Hope that the low you got was the lowest you could ever get and that where you are is forward ever backward never. But hey!
What if that was just but the beginning? What if whilst healing from the later blow comes the raging storm? The waters rising to your neck, the ground you're standing too hot, the wall before you too high to climb, and you are too frail to take action?
look, it's okay to feel weak. it's okay to get tired. It's even okay to get angry but you know what, it's not okay to give up. You can call me a survivor of the storm though trust me, that's not the most appropriate word you could use, for me and for you who has been through another hell when you thought it was over. Having dumped 2020 came 2021 and who is not hoping for the better? Who's not strategizing on making a step up the ladder? I was no less of it but guess what!
With all the zealous, ambitious and determined self meeting 2021, my hopes were shuttered by the blow that came on the 4th Midnight depriving me of happiness and the strength to take action for any of my set goals. Falling sick was the least expected especially on the onset of amazingly beautiful new year. it was a hell of experience for me until the night of 8th when it just dawned to me that I just had one truth that never faded. That that was not and was not supposed to be the end. But why? Because I knew that I am yet to accomplish my purpose, that there was so much for me to do and that even with my hopes shuttered, there was still a chance for me to start over.That it doesn't matter what happens when. What matters is the why behind it all because that doesn't change the mind of God concerning what He wants you to do.
Sometimes we try so hard to take up a role that's not ours, fighting. We want to fight against people and things that we think could be a bane to our progress. and we fight so hard only to lose because fighting people isn't what we were supposed to be doing. We have only one enemy, the devil and that is what we're supposed to be fighting not by empty words but by the truth of the word of God, making it alive in our lives, all day, every day and declaring it.
Moses answered the people, “Do not be afraid. Stand firm and you will see the deliverance the LORD will bring you today. The Egyptians you see today you will never see again. 14 The LORD will fight for you; you need only to be still.” Exodus 14:13-14
You will not have to fight this battle. Take up your positions; stand firm and see the deliverance the LORD will give you, Judah and Jerusalem. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged. Go out to face them tomorrow, and the LORD will be with you.’” 2 Chronicles 20:17
I will daily search the truth of the word of God because in it is the answers to all my questions. I refuse to be ignorant by fighting with only empty words that can't move even a feather. i must build my faith in the word of God. A faith that can move mountains and that is my stand even at the face of storms.
I am not a survivor, rather
A victor, an overcomer, a royal priesthood, a chosen generation, a son and therefore an heir in the kingdom of God
Miriam Danson
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