“Daddy, the other day I swore to you that I can never mistake to hold a wedding ceremony and you convinced me that if I were of darkness then I wouldn’t want to do anything in light. Well, that was convincing. Now daddy, would you still find it the “darkness thing ” even after seeing the terrible break up of Victor with Victoria? Is it not a month after that colorful wedding ceremony? I think I was a right daddy... “
“Listen carefully, my son. Your mum and I held one and have been together for forty-five years thus far. Neither are we going to break up at any given point…(interrupting) “But dad, you’re too old to break up, I think if you were young enough you still would because it seems it has become the trend! “
Come on son! I know you would want to marry and have a happy family just like the one you belong to. Please pay attention to my words. God created every person with a purpose. No one was created to become a failure. Don’t you see that breaking up after being declared as husband and wife is a failure? This can’t be God’s plan son.
I would give this advice today not that you may keep it to yourself but that it may be passed even to the future generation.
My dear son, concentrate on your studies just as you have been doing. I’m happy I have never heard you talk about a girlfriend so far. Congratulations my son. It’s only two months then you join an institution of higher learning. Then on joining one, remember that besides academics there’s also your social life.
My son, academics is one thing and marriage another thing. Choosing a girlfriend is choosing a lifetime partner. Don’t ever be after higher ranked course pursuers aiming at the abundance of money. Remember not all billionaires are engineers. Besides, God gave us all different abilities. This means that we all can’t be doctors, engineers or even politicians. It’s not the course pursued that determines the amount of money earned from it. It is how well you utilize the knowledge that you have and the ability that the Lord has entrusted you with that determines how successful you become. Only don’t be lazy!
Don’t look at the richness of their family. It’s not every richness that is real and besides, their riches is not your riches. To add on that, money can never buy love. If she doesn’t love you, no matter how much you wanna try to love her, she will still leave.
My dear son, these women that you see have failed many. How can you forget of the case of Samson the son of Manoah? How he was betrayed by Delilah! Love is one thing, lust is another thing. These eyes can see the beauty of the body but not the heart.
So what would help you choose the person to marry? Firstly, May you find your refuge in the arms of the highest. May you dwell under His shelter forever. Then listen to this, the spirit of God guides us in everything that we do if only we allow it to do its part. A person is made up of the body, I soul and the spirit. All these three need to be fed. You must make the word of God your consulting office, prayer your daily food. The spirit through prayer would guide you in choosing the right partner. However, you also must use your eyes wisely.
When you have the right partner son, put aside your egoism and be purpose driven. It’s not the size of your wallet that matters. It’s all about the richness of the heart. Never forget this one thing son, once together, forever together, till death do you part. With all the love that she owes you and the fact that she’s a gift from God, then you could never think of anything else than holding a wedding ceremony to thank God and even let the world see the jewel that you got. A wedding ceremony is not what is causing marriage breakups. It’s the failure to know why they had to love each other, the failure to define what brought them together and what was to be achieved at the end. Live a purpose-driven life son, you are destined to greatness.

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