Unethical Legacy

On a fatefully fine Friday evening
I opened the Bible and begun reading
'Remember not the former things
Nor consider the things of old
For behold I'm doing a new thing...'
Wasn't that ordinarily odd?
Especially for such a broken being?

New things were happening each day
Things that only reminded me of yesterday
Things that mercilessly pierced my wounded heart
While no one, absolutely none, ever gauged the level of the hurt
My hurting heart always received a blow after another every new dawn
And all that I had nearly elapsed, and the blows knocked me down
So how could I even give a dime of my articulated art?
To a people that can't afford a purported pay
And all they wish for me is a crooked way?

I figured through the crucifictional course of events
Cold sun, bright nights, dark days
Everything was seemingly on the wrong side
And the void in my heart was growing so wide
I longed for the long gone days
and wished I could sweep away the solicited sediments
Sediments of soldered thin soils
Sediments that were limiting my every stride
Sediments that caused my feet to feebly slide
Making me to madly miss my old ways
When I should be getting over such predicaments

As these streams of thoughts burned through my heated brain
I counted them all vain and a bait to ungratefulness
For as far as the seas raged and the storms stired my pain
I had more than enough reasons to practice thankfullness
How the tongues of appreciation were perfectly getting slain
How trials and temptations can dreadfully drain God's goodness
How impatience and forgetfulness can drag one off their lane
How one can rightfully justify themselves against righteousness !
How gratitude can easily be buried in forgetfulness!


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