The spark in her heart
For years human beings have proven to be a subject to fear big time. Fear of what people would think of them. Fear of what would become of them if they failed. Fear of disappointment. Fear of friends leaving them.
Hey!look...In the midst of such and such fears, there's a people that have been able to overcome this fear. I didn't say that the fear wasn't there. No. It was. But they overcame it. They knew that in the presence of fear is no confidence but doubt.
She was the spark in her heart. Her enigmatic composure was so bewildering. The look on her face scared many. Looking around, you could see the dry scattered tree leaves and branches. You could see the dry soil, on the ground she stood. Yet still, you could see the trees standing strongly, breathing some hope in her heart. Can you see that? She wore the smile, because that wasn't her destination after all. The spark in her heart, kept her moving.
Many a times in life, we're scared of the ground we're standing, even when we know that is not our destination. We look around, then seeing the brokenness of all that surrounds us, we're short lived. We lose hope. We lose the spark in our hearts. We lose our purpose. We lose focus. We lose our strength. We begin hurting. Then breaking. Then worried that we're never gonna be us.
Even in the midst of crisis, hope is the spark you need in your heart. Hope that you're gonna be safe. Hope that it's gonna be alright. Hope that there's a day all the pain, the hurt, the darkness will pay off. Hope that no matter how hard it gets, you're gonna keep pressing. Hope, that though the soil be dry, the rains will come, and the roots will still be alive, and new shoots would bloom again. That is the spark in her heart
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