
Showing posts from June, 2019

Unethical Legacy

On a fatefully fine Friday evening I opened the Bible and begun reading 'Remember not the former things Nor consider the things of old For behold I'm doing a new thing...' Wasn't that ordinarily odd? Especially for such a broken being? New things were happening each day Things that only reminded me of yesterday Things that mercilessly pierced my wounded heart While no one, absolutely none, ever gauged the level of the hurt My hurting heart always received a blow after another every new dawn And all that I had nearly elapsed, and the blows knocked me down So how could I even give a dime of my articulated art? To a people that can't afford a purported pay And all they wish for me is a crooked way? I figured through the crucifictional course of events Cold sun, bright nights, dark days Everything was seemingly on the wrong side And the void in my heart was growing so wide I longed for the long gone days and wished I could sweep away the solicited...


Dear love, I was never taught how to care too much I was never taught how to find a perfect match I was never taught how to open my heart's latch I was never taught how to cry for a fish that I can't catch Until your presence in my life turned a clutch I remember that cold convincing evening When we met while it was still raining You sympathised with my shivering And without caring who could be watching Let me be on your sweater's warming For a long time we had less to share But the little we shared cleared the air Of my troubled moment I made you aware Because your single word bred a peace so rare And my emptiness was always filled with your care I would wonder why we were never worried By the fact that we just journeyed But the destination could be varied Until our addresses were copied And together we were ferried In your arms I found a haven And never cared what could happen Until the day I received the news at seven That you had paid a visi...


He woke up unusually angry There was no good morning It must have been a bad day So as the cock was crowing He couldn't count on the Lie That he can extend the sleeping She noticed the confusion But chose to remain silent For he always took on action Even on jokes that are eminent So how could she question his reaction? Without any thoughtfully helping intend? He left the house without a breakfast A good bye that morning was unheard But after undoing his outfit at first He believed he was good to go ahead On his casual whose option was always last Whatever idea that he had in his head She just assumed that it wouldn't last He took home in his pocket that night A new knife that was expensively bought Purposely for a role that was never right In his mind was the battles he had hardly fought While her concern was what he exactly brought What he found was a readily resounding  rebuke The table neatly arranged prior to his arrival The candles burning br...


My tears have dried up my hope is building a foundation my trust is turning brand new my heart is trying to adapt how the folly of a woman is dignified how the ignorance of the poor is rewarded how the thirst of the desperate is paid back how the weaker vessel is taken advantage of When you found me unnoticed a nobler that very afternoon walking hurriedly focusing on your path then suddenly like a skyscraper I noticed you from a distance blushed at first then softly "come with me dear one" It was your first mistake finding a person in me a person in a deserted land bitten and bruised by life hated and discriminated that very afternoon under the canopy tree sharing the bitter past then comfortingly "I have and will always love you" How you boarded my friend's ship is a story that remains a milestone your unreputable smile your sweet emblem your soft touch on my cheeks I was flattered lost in words safe at your arms then promisingly ...
THE BEAUTIFUL CITY 2 (Betty interrupting) “Excuse me MirieDanie, would you please lend me your ears before you continue? “Yes  sure. You’re  free to go on” Thank you. I have been listening to you carefully but I have several questions to ask. I hope you won’t mind answering me. MirieDanie: Come on Becky, we’re here to listen to each other. I won’t mind.Come up, please Becky: You seem to have already been into that beautiful city, gotten the experience and then came to open our eyes. When did you get there and with who were you and if he was there, where is he right now and what happened? MirieDanie: Thank you for asking. I really love your confidence concerning this. Yes, I have been there, enjoyed life, encountered challenges, disagreed with him, broke up and learned to live on my own through seeing and hearing translated to reality in a pen and paper. Becky:(amazed) So you have never been there practically? MirieDanie: You just said it Becky: Do you ...
THE BEAUTIFUL CITY I was sharing one of my unushered talks and walks when I came around this beautiful city. I couldn’t avoid taking a walk through this city. Straight edges amazingly designed, you would think they took decades. The people in this city, Oh my goodness! Did someone choose who to enter into this city? If any then this person must have been unfair. Only queens and kings qualify into this city. This must have been a privilege for once being branded the name  queen.look  here, this day they only have branded me this awesome name while wait, did I tell you this? I am a queen, right? So, did they know this? Maybe. Then in this city, oh my! Beautiful flowers all around ranging from all colors to all sizes. Again, What! I almost forgot that entry fee. Otherwise, how did I manage to enter such a city? Security of this city is guaranteed. I believe not as a result of the seductive strong cemented walls but because (I don’t know whether this makes sense) God can ...
DESTINED TO GREATNESS “Daddy, the other day I swore to you that I can never mistake to hold a wedding ceremony and you convinced me that if I were of darkness then I wouldn’t want to do anything in light. Well, that was convincing. Now daddy, would you still find it the “darkness thing ” even after seeing the terrible break up of Victor with Victoria? Is it not a month after that colorful wedding ceremony? I think I was a right daddy... “ “Listen carefully, my son. Your mum and I held one and have been together for forty-five years thus far. Neither are we going to break up at any given point…(interrupting) “But dad, you’re too old to break up, I think if you were young enough you still would because it seems it has become the trend! “ Come on son! I know you would want to marry and have a happy family just like the one you belong to. Please pay attention to my words. God created every person with a purpose. No one was created to become a failure. Don’t you see that breaking up...
MISTAKEN IDENTITY Cecil was in her third year when she met Cotney, a stranger in her area of  residence. He offered everything on demand and yes, Cotney loved partying and so not a single day would pass without getting Cecil out for a dinner. According to Cecil, Cotney loved her to the point of giving away his life just to have her in his life and so she did(accepted to be in a relationship).This was after she complained that he was not born again, which he did(got born again) even without anyone’s preaching to him. Besides, what is so difficult for a man to do provided they gonna have what they intend to? It’s Cotney’s birthday and so just as it happened for every special day, Cecil waited eagerly for the Party. This day turned out so different on realizing the arrangement of the table appeared more of a reckless date for survivors than a birthday party. Cecil, therefore, took a newspaper and seemed to be so deeply moved by what she was reading. It read, “Richkid dies in ...
TRAGEDY BECAME EYE OPENER Priscah was eighteen years old when she met Rionel. She had just received her admission letter to Dreamview university, the place she had all along dreamt to  be. It was one of the days she was busy browsing to learn more about this so-called university when a message hit her messenger,” Hello Priscah, it’s been long hoping to share with you. Kindly WhatsApp me on this number 07…” “University is a place where no one cares whatever you do, wherever you go, not whoever you spend your time with. Freedom is guaranteed and so no one would ever question. You need just compose your life as you wish to. Look here, once you have moved away from your parents who keep on spying on you, is there anything that you can’t do? I feel I should do something. I should not let such a beautiful and determined lady get lured by those “dogs ” in the university. I’m sure they are waiting for you but I won’t allow. Listen Priscah, you don’t need a parent to accompany y...
LIVING OR LEAVING? The words of a departing soul in anguish and agony. “Take heed to my words oh daughter of my son. Once you become of age and wish to have a lifetime partner, thou shall remember this. With all the ambition and vision that you have, choosing the wrong person will reduce your lifespan. I’m now reaping the fruits of my lack of information. I was born again forty-eight years ago. Whilst in campus so many a preaching were made. To some extent, I would feel it was the highest degree of repetition since every invited preacher would always mention something about relationships, dating, and marriage. To a certain level, I would pay a deaf Ear in the mentality that these people were trying to conform our lives’ patterns to suit theirs hence this couldn’t make any sense to me. Every other time I would get pissed off by the sentiment that” In your pursuit to identifying a life partner, take heed to identify one who’s born again. “‘Men that are born again are so boring”, I ...
WALKING DEAD These are the times. Times when money is valued than people’s lives. Times when by all means one should get rich. Times when a single mistake can render me dead anytime. Times when true love is all over people’s lips but never in their hearts. Times when death is like taking a sip of water. Times when people no longer care the consequences of their take, I mean it is so easy to say” come what may come I would be ready for it. Times when institutions of higher learning have become institutions of higher loving. Times when couples are all over learning institution but the same couples are single at home! Which mistake outweighs the kind of beings that we were when Christ died for us? Why is it that we have forgotten the ransom that was paid for us? Why are we so forgetful? Oh, mankind!!! There is love that is based on benefits, I hear they call it” friendship for benefits “.There is love that is seasonal, it must exist for the sake of a task being done then fades slowl...


( it's at 4 o'clock in the evening. Brenda and Brandy are seated along the banks of river Safi. Their conversation is fetching momentum from the cold breeze from the water and the chirping of the birds on tree tops)  Brenda : ( curiously) Honey, look at that little goose on the other side of the river. It must be enjoying the evening colors. Brandy: of course yes. You know, dark is bright. Have you ever wondered why meditation is best flowing while your eyes are closed? You see, darkness is approaching and the fact that visibility would be blurred reminds it that it was lucky that the day is ending, and still its spirit and body are intact. Brenda: What do you mean darling? Brandy: I mean, once you think you have escaped the fowler's snare then you must feel a sigh of relief and conquest. Brandy: oh yes! I now get you. Well, when did we say is our wedding? Brandy: Our wedding was built in your mind if I'm not wrong. Wait, What have you been doing to sustain your l...


In the silence of dreams I was lost and confused There I created lots of excuses And blames of why I was unable To view the sky during the day That the sun was too bright And the rays a scam to my eyes So I settled on 'one day' In the willows of life I saw the gap in existence How the rich and the poor Have something in common That they are all strangers on earth Yet one thing that's uncommon Is what they did when I also saw the gap Between believers and nonbelievers They also had something in common More than just being strangers They're aware that they're all  Mortal But what is it that  made the all difference? Just the consequences of their choices Bridging these gaps created an environment For meditation and choice making Yet knowing that choices have consequences I took on a long journey What seemed to be a credited thought So I settled on the rich Christian See, ignorance is no excuse to poverty Whether physical, spiritual or s...