Robbed from within

I keep on fighting the voices within my sinking self
I keep on reminding them that I long let go but see
Isn't it the naked lie to a blind eye?
I hid my tears for long until they washed my make up
I'm now the real me that ought to be then
When you were the all I needed 
but I were the least you wanted

So I thought of an added tint
I overdid it until I won your eyes
I hear they called me attention seeker
But isn't that what you let me be?
Now it's the vice versa
You are the all I need 
but I am the least you want

If not for the sake of the little angel
Then just for my heart's sake
Let's forget the lies we made to each other
Let's forget the wasted past in pleasing each other
Let's forget the history and Mark a new beginning
Let's bring back the love we once developed
Let's see the future that we envisioned then together
Let our case be a lesson learned for the sake of the aspiring couples
Let's remind them that true love is never forced
And though we learned the hard way
It's a lesson appreciatively taken

I'm robbed from within
I'm thirsty for your presence
I'm desperate for a listening ear
To pour my pain out and feel relieved
If we could start again
If we could smile again
If we could laugh again
If we could love again
I would be happier
For I am robbed from within
As written by MirieDanie


  1. Are you robbed from within, don't let that smoother you to death


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